Friday May 5th

9 mei 2017

Friday May 5th

I slept perfectly on the first night in Alaska. Felt like I slept for ages when I woke up early in the mornin' to get our day started.  Got outside to enjoy the beautiful sun shine upon me. To start the day healthy and deliciously Andrew and I got into the car and drove off to Shake Your Day to see Debbie's & Steve's beautiful face again and enjoy a delicious shake. I gave them some stroopwafels to enjoy the sweetness of the Netherlands for the first time in their lives. We went to Wallmart and Sportsman Warehouse to get some fishing supplies and to the AT&T shop to arrange a sim card so I could more easily stay in contact with everyone in my life. 

Amy, Andrews mom, invited us over for dinner and it was very lovely to see her face again after being a year away. I also met a friend of them named Blake, a very friendly man who showed and teached me about the insides of the excavator which was standing - not working - at Amy's house. 

Furthermore, the idea was of doing something sporty this day and as that hadn't worked out so far we went to meet up with a friend of Andrew, named Dalton at Rock-On Climbing Wasilla to enjoy some indoor wall climbing. It had been many years since I tried this so it was quite a challenging moment. We done the Figure 8 knot and Dalton was all ready to be the first one up while Andrew was the belayer. He taught me how to belay (keeping the climber from falling too far by using friction on the rope) and lower (bringing the climber down from a climb). The first time I got up was just to practise so I knew how to get back down easily. The moment after that I got all the way to the top. Now it was Andrews turn and you should imagine him like a crazy jump spider pulling himself up the wall in just a second. It was awesome to see and quite a new experience to be the belayer for the first time. Second wall we tried was slightly more difficult reaching the top of the wall, but I made it too. The last wall was more tilted to the front so it was incredibly weird to even try climbing that wall. I only went a few feet of the ground and felt more like a wrecking ball than a climber. It was so much fun but pretty exhausting for my wrists so still need to figure out if it's a good or less good thing to do with my fragile weird body. 

We got kicked out as they closed at 10pm which was a perfect time to go to Four Corners. This bar had a band playing music, mainly country style, and it was awesome and made me realize how much I missed that lovely cute Alaskan bar. I was enjoying a nice Alaskan white beer while catching up with Carter and at the same time Andrew was kicking some ass at playing pool. John invited me to get my feet moving on the dancefloor which was lovely. 

The end of the evening ended slightly strange as the guys played pool for money but the guy who lost wanted his money back when he won during the second 'fun' round. Strange things also happen over here on the other side of the world.

We went back to Andrews place, which I now call home; just because I automatically call the place where my current stuff is all spread around the rooms as 'home'.
